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16 October 2020

Blood plasma donor appeal as Liverpool enters lockdown

NHS Blood and Transplant is urging people in Liverpool and Merseyside who’ve had coronavirus during the current lockdown to register as blood plasma donors.

13 October 2020

Join us in celebrating Ada Lovelace Day 2020

NHS Blood and Transplant Women’s Network is celebrating Ada Lovelace Day on 13 October 2020 and we invite you to join us.

07 October 2020

First person to hit 10 donations of blood plasma for COVID treatment

A former fighter has become the first person to donate 10 times into NHS Blood and Transplant’s convalescent plasma programme.

05 October 2020

Father of 29-year-old nurse who died of COVID-19 is now donating convalescent plasma

A father has donated convalescent plasma for use as coronavirus treatment eight times after his daughter died from the virus.

02 October 2020

Harlequins help NHS secure 1,000 plasma donations for COVID-19 treatment

Harlequins rugby club has helped NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) collect 1,000 donations of convalescent plasma in the fight against coronavirus (COVID-19).

30 September 2020

Donor appeal after September sees highest COVID convalescent plasma use

NHS Blood and Transplant is repeating its urgent call for COVID-19 convalescent plasma donors as new figures show plasma transfusions reached a high during September.

28 September 2020

Men who’ve had coronavirus symptoms urged to donate plasma due to shortage of male donors

NHS Blood and Transplant urgently needs men who’ve had coronavirus or the symptoms to volunteer to donate blood plasma.

18 September 2020

NHSBT scientists awarded £1.1 million for regenerative medicine research

NHSBT has been awarded £1.125 million from the Medical Research Council and Japan Agency for Medical Research to conduct research into regenerative medicine at the Stem Cell Institute in Cambridge.

11 September 2020

Record number of people from BAME backgrounds receiving lifesaving organs

But waiting lists are higher than in 2015/16.

10 September 2020

NHS issues urgent plea for more people to share their organ donation decision

New figures released to mark Organ Donation Week (7-13th September), estimate that 6,700 people are now currently in need of a transplant across the UK – up from approximately 6,138 prior to the start of the pandemic.

07 September 2020

Shortage of men who’ve had coronavirus offering to donate convalescent plasma

The NHS is urgently appealing for more men who’ve had coronavirus to donate blood plasma as new statistics show far more women are offering to donate, despite men making better donors.

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