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18 March 2021

NHSBT awarded share of £18m gene therapy investment to help advance research into new treatments for patients

NHS Blood and Transplant has been awarded £4.6m to create a specialist gene therapy hub at its Bristol site as part of a collaboration to develop new treatments for patients with rare or life-threatening diseases.

11 March 2021

Funding boost to promote blood and organ donation amongst Black and Asian communities

35 community projects in England have received a share of £600,000 funding as part of the Government’s commitment to tackle health inequalities in Black and Asian communities.

10 March 2021

Somerset man makes 19th plasma donation to help COVID research

A man from Worle has donated plasma for the nineteenth time to help with COVID research, and become the highest donor in the South West of England.

08 March 2021

Platelet donor John completes ‘20 in 20’ challenge

On Friday 26 February 2021, John Tett gave his 20th platelet donation at Birmingham donor centre to complete his ‘20 in 20’ challenge.

04 March 2021

NHSBT and the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) announce funding competition

NHSBT in partnership with the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) has announced a funding competition to award £19.9 million to new NIHR Blood and Transplant Research Units (BTRUs).

04 March 2021

Coronavirus update

How we're working to respond to the challenges caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

25 February 2021

UK plasma ban lifted

NHSBT welcomes the decision by ministers to lift the ban on UK plasma for fractionation following a review by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM).

21 February 2021

World-first paediatric heart transplant technique boosts number of life-saving operations for children in the UK

Using a technique that ‘reanimates’ the heart outside of the body, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Royal Papworth Hospital and NHS Blood & Transplant expand the donor pool and perform six paediatric heart transplants in 2020

19 February 2021

New organ donation process enables pioneering diabetes research

Pioneering research into the causes and treatment of diabetes will be led by Newcastle University thanks to a new national programme allowing scientists to study the pancreases of people with the condition.

10 February 2021

Muslim community ambassadors launch appeal to donate plasma for COVID research

A new appeal launched today is urging more men from Muslim communities nationwide who have had Covid-19 to register as plasma donors.

10 February 2021

New NHS campaign urges people to talk to family and ‘Leave Them Certain’ about organ donation

The NHS is launching a new campaign to urge families to talk about organ donation following research that less than half of adults in England have had the conversation.

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