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Projects across England and Wales successfully promote organ donation amongst black and Asian communities
Approximately 211 events were delivered between November 2018 and June 2019 by projects funded by NHSBT's Community Investment Scheme, reaching around 130,000 people.

Men make more coronavirus antibodies than women, making them better plasma donors
New analysis found men produce higher levels of COVID-19 plasma antibodies than women.

Asian donors more likely to have COVID-19 convalescent plasma which could save lives
People from Asian communities who have recovered from COVID-19 are more likely to have the antibody-rich convalescent plasma which can save lives, according to early analysis.

New text messages led to more than 10,000 people registering as COVID-19 plasma donors
New text messages from the national testing programme led to 10,370 people registering as potential COVID-19 convalescent plasma donors over Monday and Tuesday.

Blood samples used for coronavirus surveillance
Routine samples from blood donations are being made available to monitor the spread of coronavirus.

Superdrug nurses support major convalescent plasma programme
Nurses support programme in London, Manchester and Birmingham, as appeal for donors continue

Statement: Calling out racial injustice
We want to add our voice to the many around the world who are rightly calling out racial injustice.

First patient, a child, receives convalescent plasma through RECOVERY, the dedicated COVID-19 treatment trial
The first person to be randomly selected to receive convalescent plasma through RECOVERY has now received a transfusion.

Collaborative report into evidence on gay and bisexual men and blood donation still due in 2020
The FAIR steering group exploring whether some gay and bisexual men might be able to donate blood without a deferral is still hoping to report its’ findings before the end of 2020.

Convalescent plasma donor with highest coronavirus antibodies backs call for more donors from three key groups
Initial tests have indicated three key groups of people who have the plasma most likely to potentially save lives.

Max and Keira’s Law comes into effect in England
Max and Keira’s Law – the Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Act, has now come into effect.
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