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24 May 2021

Study into whether vaccination of previously infected generates stronger, broader coronavirus antibody response

NHS Blood and Transplant is carrying out a study in the Birmingham region aimed at confirming whether vaccination creates a huge increase in antibody levels in people who have already had coronavirus.

20 May 2021

Family and public support helping save lives one year on from the introduction of Max and Keira’s Law

Thursday 20 May marks one year since Max and Keira’s Law (Organ Donation (Deemed Consent) Act 2020) came into effect in England, which saw the country shift to an ‘opt out’ system for organ donation.

11 May 2021

UK to change eligibility to give blood on World Blood Donor Day with launch of new donor safety assessment

Some of the questions that blood, plasma and platelet donors are asked to check their eligibility to donate will change from June 14 2021, marking an historic move to make blood donation more inclusive without affecting safety.

06 May 2021

STRIDES study reaches million-donor milestone

The NHSBT blood donor management research project, STRIDES, now has more than one million donors taking part in the main cluster randomised trial, just 18 months after its launch.

27 April 2021

A tribute to Narendra Parmar, Biomedical Scientist at NHSBT

A well-loved colleague, Narendra was 68 years old and had worked for NHS Blood and Transplant since September 1969.

09 April 2021

Statement on HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh

Statement from Millie Banerjee, Chair, for and on behalf of NHS Blood and Transplant

07 April 2021

First blood plasma for medicines donations begin

People can now donate blood plasma for medicines for the first time in more than 20 years.

26 March 2021

Opt out system of organ and tissue donation begins in Scotland

Wife marks two-year anniversary of husband’s donation by encouraging others to share their decision.

18 March 2021

Transition of the plasma programme

The Department of Health and Social Care has asked us to start collecting plasma for fractionation and the manufacture of medicines and stop collecting plasma for coronavirus research.

18 March 2021

NHSBT awarded share of £18m gene therapy investment to help advance research into new treatments for patients

NHS Blood and Transplant has been awarded £4.6m to create a specialist gene therapy hub at its Bristol site as part of a collaboration to develop new treatments for patients with rare or life-threatening diseases.

11 March 2021

Funding boost to promote blood and organ donation amongst Black and Asian communities

35 community projects in England have received a share of £600,000 funding as part of the Government’s commitment to tackle health inequalities in Black and Asian communities.

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