Diversity and inclusion
Meeting our public sector equality duty
- NHSBT Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 (PDF 287KB)
- WRES and WDES Report 2023 (PDF 283KB)
- Public sector equality duty report June 2023 (Word 188KB)
- Equality Impact Assessment refresh plan 2023 (PDF 425KB)
- An Introduction to Equality Impact Assessment (PDF 214KB)
- Equality Impact Assessment guidance (PDF 273KB)
- Equality Impact Assessment form (PDF 214KB)
We are committed to championing and promoting equal opportunity.
Everyone has a right to be treated with dignity and respect, with equal opportunities and without discrimination, irrespective of their background. We are working hard to ensure that we better reflect the communities we serve.
Equality objectives
We have set out our objectives for the coming year to make NHS Blood and Transplant a more inclusive place to work.
Examining the diversity of our workforce
We have been looking at an organisational diagnosis of the NHS Blood and Transplant Colindale centre in order to better understand our working environment for colleagues.
We commissioned an independent report and are taking action to make our organisation more diverse and inclusive.
Find out more about how we are working to improve diversity and inclusion
Our staff networks
We have staff-run networks helping to promote an inclusive culture at NHS Blood and Transplant.
Our LGBT+ Network, GRacE Network, Women's Network, Disability and Wellbeing Network (DAWN) and Neurodiversity Network use the skills and resources of colleagues to add value to our organisation.
Gender Pay Gap
As part of our commitment to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion we are pleased to present our Gender Pay Gap Report 2022 (PDF 187KB) for NHS Blood and Transplant.
We are delighted with our progress in reducing the gender pay gap in our organisation, taking it even further below the national average.

Workforce Race Equality Standard
The NHS England 'Workforce Race Equality Standard' (WRES) requires all NHS organisations to measure, demonstrate and publish their annual race equality improvements for each of the WRES indicators.
The national focus on these nine aspects of workforce race equality provides a great opportunity for NHS organisations to work together on specific interventions and to share good practice.
Workforce Disability Equality Standard
The NHS Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES), based on a snapshot of data from 31 March 2022 highlights current NHSBT practice with regard to the experience of disabled staff and shows key areas for improvement and progress within the organisation. Launched in 2019 aiming to improve the workplace and career experiences of disabled colleagues in the NHS, all NHS providers complete this annual report.
NHS Employers diversity and inclusion partners programme
We were privileged to have been selected as one of NHS Employers diversity and inclusion partners for 2017/18 and we are now part of their alumni programme.
This is a great opportunity to work with NHS Employers as well as other partner organisations, national stakeholders like the NHS Leadership Academy and NHS England to help support and embed equality, diversity and inclusion within our culture.