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- 01923 367600 (open 24 hours a day)
First patient has new cutting-edge therapy for cancer patients
Oxford University Hospitals is now a highly specialised NHS centre offering CAR-T therapies to people with cancer, after NHS England expanded access to the potentially life-saving treatment.
Annual safety report shows no impact on safety since more gay and bisexual man were able to donate blood
The annual blood safety report shows no impact on blood safety since a more individualised assessment allowed more gay and bisexual men to donate blood.
Urgent call for young Black and Asian men to register as stem cell donors
This Stem Cell awareness day, NHS Blood and Transplant is urging young Black African, Black Caribbean, and Asian men to register as lifesaving stem cell donors.
NHS and Government take steps to boost Organ donation registrations
Plans announced to introduce organ donation registration option to passport applications.
NHS will get better blood and organ matching data from Our Future Health partnership
Donors are being invited to give a blood sample to Our Future Health, which aims to transform the prevention, detection and treatment of conditions such as dementia, cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.
Organ donation and transplant rates continue to recover, but opportunities for transplant still being missed
Latest annual figures published today by NHS Blood and Transplant show that last year, there was a 5% increase in the number of patients whose lives were saved or improved through an organ transplant
Ban lifted on use of UK plasma to manufacture life-saving albumin treatments
Leading scientists at the independent Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) have confirmed that albumin, a critically important medicine for the NHS, can now be safely derived from UK plasma donors.
Black heritage donors giving blood in record numbers
More people than ever before of Black African and Black Caribbean heritage are saving lives by giving blood.
'Dáithí’s Law’ comes into effect in Northern Ireland
As of 1 June, all adults in Northern Ireland will now be considered potential organ donors unless they choose to opt out or are in an excluded group.
World-First NHS Test To Curb Transfusion Side-effects For Thousands with Inherited Blood Disorders
The NHS is set to introduce a new genetic blood-matching test for thousands living with sickle-cell disease or thalassaemia that could reduce some of the side-effects of transfusion treatments.
Dried blood plasma project to help save soldiers’ lives launches
An innovative project to rapidly deliver blood and plasma to injured soldiers is set to save lives in warzones.
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