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06 September 2018

NHS Blood and Transplant partners with Kortical to deliver innovative project

NHS Blood and Transplant is partnering with Kortical to deliver an innovative demand planning platform for the management of the complex blood supply chain.

06 September 2018

Parents less likely to donate child’s organs, new figures show

New figures show parents are significantly less likely to donate their child’s organs for lifesaving transplants, which limits the number of organs available for children on the transplant waiting list.

05 September 2018

Survey reveals only a minority of black and Asian people in England are prepared to give the lifesaving gift of organ donation

The survey results coincide with the launch of a funding call through a new community investment scheme.

04 September 2018

Interactive map shows proportion of population signed up to donate across the UK

A new interactive map shows the proportion of people who have registered as organ donors and the number of people waiting for a transplant across different areas across the UK.

03 September 2018

Longest waiting heart transplant patient in UK supports ‘no complacency’ call

NHS Blood and Transplant urges people to talk during Organ Donation Week and not show a ‘fatal complacency’ as figures show around 3,000 lifesaving transplants were missed in the last year because families said no to donating their relative’s organs.

17 August 2018

Simonne Kerr statement

Our thoughts and condolences are with Simonne’s family at this tragic time.

16 August 2018

Help us go pink for Organ Donation Week

Going pink could be easier than you think. Find all the details you need here to get behind this campaign and help us light up the skyline during Organ Donation Week.

05 August 2018

NHS Blood and Transplant welcomes the Government initiative on opt out legislation

"We support all activity that increases the availability of donated organs for life saving transplants and we welcome the Government’s commitment to organ donation."

31 July 2018

Good Luck to all the participants at the Westfield Health British Transplant Games

Athletes from across the UK will converge in Birmingham on Thursday 2nd August to take part in four days of competitive sports activities, highlighting the lifesaving and transformational benefits of organ transplantation.

20 July 2018

Mum of girl with rare blood disease donating due to urgent shortage

Over the last three years, there has been an 80% increase in demand for a rare blood type from London hospitals, driven by a growing number of people with sickle cell disease.

18 July 2018

Government campaign will focus on urgent shortage of black, Asian and minority ethnic organ donors

A rising proportion of people who die in need of a transplant is from a black, Asian or ethnic minority background despite more families in these communities supporting organ donation.

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