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Charity Fund research
- INCITE study
- National survey of neonatal EBT
- RBC transfusion thresholds
- Drivers of thrombopoiesis
- Genetic basis of herpesvirus suppression
- BP profiles in the organ recipient
- Platelet transfusion in neonates
- Stem cell transplant outcomes database
- Blood component prescribing
- Hepcidin levels in blood donors
- T regulatory cells and HSCT
- Desmopressin in critical illness
- Uncontrolled donation after circulatory death
- Small research grants
- Principal investigators
- Patient and public involvement and engagement
Research blogs
- The challenges of recruiting more blood donors
- Time for change – Addressing the risk of occult hepatitis B in blood donations
- How bone marrow stem cells can support Acute Myeloid Leukemia to escape chemotherapy treatment
- T-regulatory cell migration and Vitamin D
- Development and validation of a universal blood donor genotyping platform
- MAM-negative blood group phenotype
- Oxford-led study makes recommendations for blood transfusion services during pandemic
- Modern day alchemy: In Vitro-Derived Platelets
- Blood, bombs, and bugs; business continuity matters.
- Haemovigilance: Q&A with Paula Bolton-Maggs
- Lab grown red blood cells enable new malaria research
- Tranexamic acid to prevent bleeding in adults with blood cancers (TREATT)
- Platelet transfusion trial to benefit babies in the future
- NHS Blood and Transplant partners with Kortical to deliver innovative project
- Engineering red blood cells
- Questions, questions and yet more questions
- Delivering red cells at sea
- No BEACH turns platelets grey by Dr Jose Guerrero
- Research, development and innovation – The generation game changer
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