The Blood Borne Virus Unit
Chief investigator: Dr Samreen Ijaz
Location/Institution: University College London and Public Health England
Funder: NHSBT Research and Development Committee
NHSBT research area: Pathology
The Blood Borne Virus Unit (BBVU) is a joint Public Health England (PHE) and NHSBT unit. Visit GOV.UK for more information
The BBVU undertakes surveillance, research and development activities for hepatitis A virus (HAV) through to hepatitis E virus (HEV), and also for pathogens that impact on blood safety.
The BBVU works principally, but not exclusively, on transfusion transmitted infections (TTIs). Its work includes the development, evaluation and implementation of methods for the detection of markers of these infections and their relationship to transmissions that may cause harm to blood and organ recipients.
Another increasingly important area is developing a better understanding of unusual and rare infections which may be transmitted by transfusion and transplantation and their impact on patients. Included here is the collection of data better to understand the spread and risks of infection associated with travel in blood and organ donors.
Presently the investigation of the outcome of hepatitis type E virus (HEV) infection in the immunosuppressed person, including organ transplant recipients, is a major component of the BBVU work.