Annual reports and accounts

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) is constituted as a Special Health Authority, is classified as a Public Corporation by the Office for National Statistics, and is treated as a Non Departmental Body (NDPB) under the Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM). 

Under the FReM, NHSBT is required to report on a comprehensive net expenditure basis with programme funding provided by the Department of Health and Social Care recognised in the general reserve.

Income and expenditure accounts

The board and management of NHSBT, however, monitor and control NHSBT’s financial performance on an income and expenditure basis, as this is more appropriate to the nature of NHSBT’s activities. 

Note 2 of the annual reports and accounts reconciles the operating position as reported to the board to the net expenditure basis on which the published accounts are required to be prepared. The note further provides a segmental analysis of our financial performance that is consistent with the presentation of our management accounts.

2023/24 Annual Report and Accounts

View the 2023/24 Annual Report and Accounts

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