Partnering with Pride

Who you love or how you identify is not a barrier to opportunities.

Pride events are so important as an expression of togetherness, showcasing diversity, equity and inclusivity within the LGBT+ community. They celebrate the countless people that have lost their jobs, families and lives to be able to live in peace with themselves and improve the world we are living in.

NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) is proud to have partnered with many Pride events in previous years.

We look forward to partnering with many more Pride events in the future. See events we are attending in 2024

Birmingham Pride

Birmingham Pride logo

We have been partnering with Birmingham Pride since 2021 to increase awareness about our recent FAIR changes for our donors but also to celebrate as an organisation with all our peers about inclusivity, diversity and equity.

NHSBT marched for the first time ever in the parade in 2022. It was a landmark moment for the organisation.

During Birmingham Pride week, thanks to our partnership, we had a noticeable uplift in our blood donation website traffic with almost 18% more users visiting our website. This led to almost 4% more blood donation appointments which helped us to maintain our blood supplies safe nationally thanks to the LGBTQ+ community.

This year, NHSBT attended Birmingham Pride to collectively promote whole blood, plasma and organ donation.

Find out which organisations are supporting us at Birmingham Pride this year.

Bristol Pride

Bristol Pride Logo

UK Black Pride

UK Black Pride logo

In summer 2022, we supported UK Black Pride next to our new Donor Centre in Stratford – London. UK Black Pride is the Europe’s largest pride celebration for LGBTQ+ people of African, Asian, Caribbean, Latin American and Middle Eastern-descent.

The festival had a record-breaking 25,000 people attend at the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford, making 2022 the most successful turnout yet.

During this event we managed to engage and register 32% of new Black heritage donors and 18% of male donors.

At the moment we need Black donors because of a rise in demand for some rare blood types that are more common in people of Black heritage. Thanks to our partnership with UK Black Pride, we have been able to engage with all communities and make sure there’s enough blood available for everyone.

Find out why more Black blood donors are needed

Pride events 2024

NHS Blood and Transplant have partnered with the following celebrations in 2024:

Birmingham Pride logo

Birmingham Pride

25 May 2024

Learn more about Birmingham Pride

Bristol Pride logo

Bristol Pride

13 July 2024

Learn more about Bristol Pride

NHSBT participating in Pride events across the country is hugely important in supporting the diversity of our amazing donors and people.

Mark Croucher

Mark Croucher (pronouns: he/him)
Assistant Director, Donor Experience Services

Want to partner with us?

There are always ways to support Pride events and showcase your commitment to the community, staff and clients all while helping make those vital events happen.

If you have any further questions about Pride or would like to get involved, please email