Tissue and eye services
Give someone a new lease of life
The power to reconstruct
Donated tissue, such as skin, bones and eyes, can save or dramatically improve the lives of many people suffering from illness or injury. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and their families, we collect tissue from thousands of living and deceased donors every year. Annually, this provides around 8,500 life-changing implants for 2,600 patients.
Did you know?
You can donate bone removed after a hip replacement. We work with 75 hospitals to run this program, and bank bone from more than 3,000 living donors.
Refer a tissue donor
To refer a tissue donor please call the Tissues National Referral Centre:
Tel: 0800 432 0559
For any other enquiries relating to tissue donation you can call or email the Tissues National Referral Centre:
Tel: 0800 432 0559
You're in safe hands
All procedures are designed to comply with:
- The Human Tissue Act (2004) and codes of practice
- The EU Cell and Tissue Directive
- EU Regulations and Guidance on Microbiological Safety of Human Organs, Tissue and Cells used in Transplantation
- The Guidelines for the Blood Transfusion Service in the UK