Statement: Calling out racial injustice

5 June 2020

A statement from Chief Executive Betsy Bassis and Chair Millie Banerjee on behalf of NHS Blood and Transplant

“On behalf of NHS Blood and Transplant, we want to add our voice to the many around the world who are rightly calling out racial injustice.

“Sadly, our organisation is not immune from this societal issue. Indeed, we recognise there is an urgent need to remove bias – both unconscious and otherwise – from our policies and processes, and to rout out bullying harassment and other unacceptable behaviour.

This is critical if we are to have a diverse and inclusive organisation that reflects our espoused values as a caring organisation. Moreover, it is critical if we are to attract and retain the diversity of donors that are needed to meet clinical demand and reduce health inequalities.

“Many of us have good intentions about diversity and inclusion. But saying we’re not racist (or sexist or homophobic) is not enough. Change requires all of us, and particularly leaders, to speak up and take action. We give our commitment to do this.”