Donation teaching resources: KS3 and KS4

Curriculum-linked resources to help teachers in England educate their students about blood, organ and stem cell donation

We have developed free, curriculum-linked resources for secondary school teachers in England, to educate Key Stage 3 and 4 students (11-16 year olds) about blood, organ and stem cell donation.

These resources have been developed by NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) in collaboration with Anthony Nolan and with the support of practising teachers.

They can be used as a standalone resource or combined and include comprehensive teacher notes, so minimal preparation is required. There are also optional extension activities to extend student’s learning at home or in school.

Creating a safe learning environment

Donation can be an emotive topic and discussing it can provoke a range of responses.

Please read our safe learning guide before delivering the lessons in order to provide the best possible experience for yourself and your students.

Download our guide (PDF, 1.5MB)

KS3 and KS4: Introducing blood, organ and stem cell donation

KS4: Exploring blood, organ and stem cell donation

Further resources

From our charity partners

Access a range of free educational resources and initiatives developed by our charity partners to educate Key Stage 1 to 5 (5 - 18 year olds) about blood, organ and stem cell donation.

View resources

Wales and Scotland

Schools in Wales

There are specific resources to reflect the soft-opt out/deemed consent organ and tissue donation system in Wales. 

View resources for schools in Wales in English

View resources for schools in Wales in Welsh

Schools in Scotland

A separate ebook resource is available for schools in Scotland in line with Curriculum for Excellence.

View the ebook resource for schools in Scotland