Applicants can apply for the following funding bands.
Funds between £1 and £2,499 per year
Organisations looking to deliver a project focusing on blood donation, living kidney donation, deceased organ donation or combined deceased organ and blood donation projects can apply for this funding band.
Funds between £2,500 - £10,000 per year
Organisations looking to deliver a project focusing on blood donation, living kidney donation, deceased organ donation or combined deceased organ and blood donation projects can apply for this funding band.
Funds between £10,001 and £20,000 per year
Organisations looking to deliver a project focusing on blood donation, living kidney donation or combined deceased organ and blood donation projects can apply for this funding band.
Projects focused only on deceased organ donation cannot apply for this funding band.
Organisations applying for funding at this band must have previous funded experience of working with either a government department (ministerial or non-ministerial) or a public body e.g. NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), NHS England etc. Applicants must be able to show the impact achieved through these partnerships and provide details of the amount and duration of this funded work.
Additional information
All activity around blood donation must be aimed at the Black African and Black Caribbean communities and must be carried out in England.
Please also note that your budget outline should be inclusive of unrecoverable VAT.
Applicants should also make clear in their application if they are applying for money from any other sources e.g. match funding, and should think carefully about the areas that they are requesting funding for, as these grants are funded by taxpayers. Any travel costs for people to attend events would need to be standard class travel.
If applicants intend to use funds to employ a post or contribute towards staffing costs, NHSBT will not undertake any employment liability for these posts. All liability remains with the applying organisation.