Board papers November 2020
- Convalescent Plasma Update (PDF 1.08MB)
- Board ways of working (PDF 106KB)
- CEO report (PDF 159KB)
- Leadership illustration (PDF 718KB)
- Clinical governance report (PDF 155KB)
- Board performance report (PDF 2MB)
- Strategy development (PDF 141KB)
- Strategic review (PDF 1.4MB)
- Cellular therapies strategy update (PDF 1.5MB)
- Organ donation and transplantation: meeting the need, a ten-year vision (PDF 172KB)
- Organ donation and transplantation 2030: meeting the need (PDF 1.7MB)
- Convalescent plasma cover note (PDF 38KB)
- Northern Ireland update (PDF 107KB)
- Scotland update (PDF 111KB)
- Wales update (PDF 221KB)
- Research and Development Committee terms of reference (PDF 212KB)