NHSBT assistant director guest curating @NHS
19 February 2018
If you want to find out more about life behind the schemes at NHS Blood and Transplant, check out the @NHS Twitter account this week.
From Monday morning (19th February) until Friday evening (23rd February), Anthony Clarkson - the Assistant Director of Organ Donation and Nursing - will be guest editing the account, which celebrates the health service through stories of the people working for - or being treated by - the NHS.
During the week Anthony will be offering followers an insight into his role and the issues that matter to him, as well as raising awareness and understanding of organ donation.
Anthony Clarkson said: “I am very proud to have been chosen as this week’s curator for @NHS. This will be a unique opportunity to share with an engaged and interested audience of NHS colleagues and members of the public an insight into our work. As I take the @NHS page with me through my week I intend to share the pride and passion for organ donation felt by myself and the whole organ donation team at NHS Blood and Transplant.
“I will talk about the importance of collaboration across the wider NHS, how inspiring our organ and tissue donors are and how exciting and diverse our work is. I know that the more followers understand about organ donation the more they will decide they want to be an organ donor and will share their decision with their loved ones.”