Donation if you are LGBT+
Key information on donation from LGBT+ people.
LGBT+ people donate and save lives all the time. Every donor is assessed before their donation to ensure a safe donation for you and the patient.
To make it simple we have outlined the key information on donation from LGBT+ people.
Making donation more inclusive
The UK’s blood services continue to work with the NHSBT LGBT+ Network, experts in epidemiology, virology and psychology and external stakeholders such as Stonewall and the Terrence Higgins Trust to make blood, organ, stem cell and plasma donation more inclusive. These groups form the FAIR (For the Assessment of Individualised Risk) steering committee.
We assess your eligibility to donate solely on your own individual experiences. The FAIR changes mean that, in particular, many more gay, bi men and other men who have sex with men are able to donate blood more easily.
Further advice
For more specific queries surrounding donation, please call us on 0300 123 23 23.