Measuring your organ donation campaign
Gauge your success by measuring your activity
Whenever you are launching a campaign or promotional activity for organ donation, we would highly recommend that you consider how to measure the outcome(s) of the activity and look for opportunities to reflect on how well the promotion has gone, and any improvements that can be made.
This page provides some handy hints and tips on how you can measure different types of activity.
Tracking registrations to the NHS Organ Donor Register
For large scale campaign and promotional activity, it is possible to measure the number of people who join the NHS Organ Donor Register using a dedicated campaign code for your activity.
Wherever there is an opportunity for a person to join the NHS Organ Donor Register, there will be in place a four digit code, which informs NHS Blood and Transplant how that person registered (e.g via a leaflet, on the Organ Donation website, or from a link on a social media site etc.). These codes are extremely useful to identify which activities have worked well in encouraging people to join, and making it easy to do so, and which have not.
It is possible to set up dedicated campaign codes for large scale campaigns and promotional activity. If you are running, or are considering running a large scale campaign or promotional activity, please get in touch with us at to discuss how this can be measured using a campaign code, and we can help set this up for you. Campaign codes can work for paper registration forms, but we can also create digital versions of the codes, for any online promotion you may be running.
Campaign codes may be suitable to measure activity including:
• Large scale promotional events
• Social media campaigns
• Online website promotions
• Newspaper/magazine adverts with registration form included in the advert design
• Adverts using QR codes
Please note, we may not be able to set up a campaign code for all activities, therefore please get in touch with us to let us know about your promotion/campaign, and we will be happy to discuss the options for measuring.
Other top tips for measuring promotional activity
- You can increase the accuracy of evaluation by encouraging people to sign up on an iPad through a tracked link at an event.
- Ask the event organiser what the estimated footfall of the event is. This will help to determine your audience size. Additionally if visiting the school or giving a talk, do a quick count of the number of people you are speaking to.
- Collect feedback from your events – take feedback forms, conduct a SurveyMonkey or carry out a straw poll. You could ask visitors or attendees how many have had a conversation at the start of the talk or event, and at the end, ask how many will go home to discuss organ donation with their families as a good indicator of whether you have got your message across.
- Keep a track of the costs involved in your event. You could use this to work out the cost per registration, dividing the amount spent on promotion, by the number of people who registered.
- Make note of the number of people/organisations you have made contact with and who have then gone on to support organ donation in some way (i.e by sharing a post on their social media site, including a message in their staff or customer newsletter etc).
- Measure the number of media articles you secure, specifically those that include key messages such as how to register as an organ donor, or why it is important to have a conversation about organ donation with your family.
- If you run a website or social media page, you may be able to track the number of clicks from any links you share on your pages via Google Analytics. This can help you to understand which information and links the visitors to your site or social media page are finding useful and encouraging.
If you are running a campaign or any promotional activity please get in touch with us at and we will be happy to advise on ways you can measure your activity.