A prospective granulocyte usage and outcomes survey. An observational study.

Chief investigator: Dr Suzy Morton
Primary sponsor: N/A
Funder: N/A


Granulocyte transfusions may be considered for transfusion to patients with refractory infection who have quantitative or qualitative deficiencies in their own neutrophils.

Study hypothesis

The study will help to understand how granulocytes are being used in the UK. This includes patient demographics, underlying conditions and treatment received, e.g. type of leukaemia, chemotherapy treatment, concomitant treatment for infection, indication for transfusion, dose and schedule, and outcomes.

Study design

The protocol describes a prospective study of outcomes following transfusion of granulocytes in the UK. To collect information on indications, dose and outcomes following use of granulocytes administered to children and adults.

Information will be collected on patients in UK hospitals receiving pooled granulocytes (issued by NHSBT) or directed donations collected by apheresis (issued by King’s College Hospital London)

List of participating hospitals (PDF 122KB)

Study contacts

James Griffiths