Red blood cell transfusion thresholds and QoL in myelodysplastic syndromes. A pilot, feasibility study.
The REDDS study is now complete.
Chief investigators: Dr Simon Stanworth and Professor David Bowen
Primary sponsor: NHSBT
Funder: NHSBT Trust Fund Grant

Red blood cell transfusion thresholds and Quality of Life in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). A pilot, feasibility study.
The ultimate goal of this feasibility trial is to inform the design for a large randomised controlled trial to compare a restrictive (transfuse to maintain haemoglobin concentration between 85 and 100g/L) with a liberal (transfuse to maintain haemoglobin concentration between 110-125g/L) red cell transfusion strategy for clinical outcomes.
Study hypothesis
A randomised controlled feasibility trial to evaluate protocol adherence between a restrictive (transfuse to maintain haemoglobin concentration between 85 and 100g/L) and a liberal (transfuse to maintain haemoglobin concentration between 110-125g/L) red cell transfusion strategy.
Simon J. Stanworth, Sally Killick, Zoe K. McQuilten, Marina Karakantza, Robert Weinkove, Heather Smethurst, Laura A. Pankhurst, Renate L. Hodge, Valerie Hopkins, Helen L. Thomas, Alison J. Deary, Jeannie Callum, Yulia Lin, Erica M. Wood, Rena Buckstein, David Bowen, on behalf of the REDDS Investigators. Red cell transfusion in outpatients with myelodysplastic syndromes: a feasibility and exploratory randomised trial. Br J Haematol, 189: 279-290.
Buckstein, R., Callum, J., Prica, A., Bowen, D., Wells, R.A., Leber, B., Heddle, N., Chodirker, L., Cheung, M., Mozessohn, L., Yee, K., Gallagher, J., Parmentier, A., Jamula, E., McQuilten, Z., Wood, E.M., Weinkov, R., Zhang, L., Mamedov, A., Stanworth, S.J. and Lin, Y. Red cell transfusion thresholds in outpatients with myelodysplastic syndromes: Combined results from two randomized controlled feasibility studies. Am J Hematol.2023;1–4.