R&D blog
With this series of blogs, we bring you an insight into the research that NHS Blood and Transplant are working on to improve patient and donor care.

The challenges of recruiting more blood donors
More young blood donors and blood donors with Black/African-Caribbean heritage are needed to provide a larger pool of donated blood as lifesaving support for people with blood conditions including blood cancers and sickle cell disorders

Time for change – Addressing the risk of occult hepatitis B in blood donations
Doctors Emma Watkins and Heli Harvala.

How bone marrow stem cells can support Acute Myeloid Leukemia to escape chemotherapy treatment
Dr Simón Méndez-Ferrer is an NHSBT Principal Investigator and a Reader in Transfusion Medicine at the University of Cambridge.

T-regulatory cell migration and Vitamin D
Dr. Abigail Lamikanra is a Research Co-ordinator at the University of Oxford.

Development and validation of a universal blood donor genotyping platform
Nicholas Gleadall is a PhD Student in Genomics at the University of Cambridge.

MAM-negative blood group phenotype
Nicole Thornton is the Head of Red Cell Reference, IBGRL, NHS Blood and Transplant

Oxford-led study makes recommendations for blood transfusion services during pandemic
Professor Simon Stanworth is an NHSBT Consultant Haematologist, Principal Investigator at the John Radcliffe Hospital (Oxford University Hospitals Foundation Trust), and honorary senior clinical lecturer at the University of Oxford.

Modern day alchemy: In Vitro-Derived Platelets
Mr Souradip Mookerjee is an MB/PhD student in Dr Cedric Ghevaert’s Lab at the University of Cambridge, working on the translational research of making platelets from stem cells.

Blood, bombs, and bugs; business continuity matters.
Dr Heidi Doughty, Consultant in Transfusion Medicine (NHSBT); Dr Fateha Chowdhury, Consultant Haematologist in Transfusion Medicine (NHSBT & Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust); and Tom Cowdrey, Head of Business Continuity at NHSBT.

Haemovigilance: Q&A with Paula Bolton-Maggs
Paula Bolton-Maggs is an Honorary Senior Lecturer, School of Medical Sciences, University of Manchester and retired former Medical Director of SHOT.