Demineralised bone matrix

Details and specifications

Specific details and benefits on each type of graft are provided in the product information below.

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Demineralised bone matrix

Demineralised bone matrix (DBM) is prepared from cortical bone derived from long bones. The bones are first cleaned of adherent soft tissue and marrow components, and then ground into a fine powder using a custom-designed grinder which achieves this without generating excess heat. The powder is then sieved to the desired particle size range and demineralised using dilute hydrochloric acid, and rinsed in a buffered saline solution to remove any residual acid. It is then freeze-dried. DBM has a long history of successful clinical use in applications where bone regeneration is needed.

Product variants

DBM Powder, 1cc

DBM powder is provided with a particulate size range of 250–710mm (or micron). While powder alone is light and electrostatic it can be mixed with the patient’s blood or bone marrow both to facilitate handling, and to provide the graft with autologous cells which may enhance osteogenesis.

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DBM Paste, 1cc

DBM paste is prepared by mixing DBM powder with glycerol in the ratio 55% DBM to 45% glycerol (v/v). This mixture has a fluid consistency. It is supplied in a blunt-ended syringe.

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DBM Paste, 5cc

DBM paste is prepared by mixing DBM powder with glycerol in the ratio 55% DBM to 45% glycerol (v/v). This mixture has a fluid consistency. It is supplied in a blunt-ended syringe.

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DBM Paste, 10cc

DBM paste is prepared by mixing DBM powder with glycerol in the ratio 55% DBM to 45% glycerol (v/v). This mixture has a fluid consistency. It is supplied in a blunt-ended syringe.

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DBM Putty, 1cc

DBM putty is prepared by mixing DBM powder with glycerol in the ratio 65% DBM to 35% glycerol (v/v). This mixture has a solid consistency, and can be moulded into shape. DBM putty is supplied in a blunt-ended syringe.

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DBM Putty, 5cc

DBM putty is prepared by mixing DBM powder with glycerol in the ratio 65% DBM to 35% glycerol (v/v). This mixture has a solid consistency, and can be moulded into shape. DBM putty is supplied in a blunt-ended syringe.

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DBM Putty, 10cc

DBM putty is prepared by mixing DBM powder with glycerol in the ratio 65% DBM to 35% glycerol (v/v). This mixture has a solid consistency, and can be moulded into shape. DBM putty is supplied in a blunt-ended syringe.

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