Publications and workshops


Red Cell Reference publications

Molecular Diagnostics publications

IBGRL Research Product department publications

The following members of IBGRL have contributed to the publications in this section:

  • Gyorffy G
  • Parker C
  • Cogan N
  • Ridgwell K
  • Green F
  • Hunter RW
  • Lewis R
  • Guest A
  • Mushens R


Most of the antibodies we have available have been submitted to either one or several of the following workshops.

  • Proceedings of the fourth workshop and conference on white cell differentiation antigens in Leucocyte Typing IV, Vienna 1989; White Cell Differentiation Antigens Ed. W. Knapp et al Oxford University Press, 1989.
  • Proceedings of the fifth workshop and conference on white cell differentiation antigens, Boston, 1993 in leucocyte Typing V, Ed. Schlossman et al. Oxford University Press 1995.
  • Proceedings of the sixth workshop and conference on white cell differentiation antigens, in Leucocyte Typing VI, Japan, 1996 Ed. Kishimoto T et al. Garland publishing Inc. NY and London, 1997.
  • Chester MA et al (Eds.) (1990) Proceedings of the Second International Workshop and Symposium on Monoclonal Antibodies against Human Red Blood Cells and Related Antigens, Lund, 1990.
  • Rouger P Muller JY (eds) (1997) Proceedings of the Third International Workshop and Symposium on Monoclonal Antibodies against Human Red Cells and Related Antigens, Nantes 1996.

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