Being admitted to the transplant centre

Find out what happens when you arrive at the transplant centre for a pancreas transplant

Key points

  • If you receive an offer of a pancreas, you will be asked to come to the transplant centre
  • You will have tests to make sure you’re fit enough for the operation and to check whether you have antibodies against the pancreas
  • You will be told about any donor-related risks
  • Sometimes there are problems which mean the operation is unable to go ahead

What happens if you receive an offer of a pancreas?

If a suitable pancreas is offered to you, your transplant team will call to discuss this with you. If needed, they may give you some medical information about your donor and discuss potential risks and benefits. If you’re happy to proceed with the possible transplant, you’ll be asked to come to the transplant centre.

We understand that this is a stressful time. Please ask if you would like to bring someone with you to the transplant centre.

Learn more about accepting or declining offers

What happens when you arrive at the transplant centre

Reasons why the operation might not be able to go ahead

Sometimes, even if you are willing to accept the organ, the operation cannot go ahead. This might be because:

More information

Medical terms explained


Antibodies are made by your immune system to help recognise and fight against ‘foreign’ substances, such as bacteria and viruses. Certain antibodies in your blood can make it more likely for your body to reject your new organ. 


Immunosuppressants are powerful medicines that weaken your immune system to prevent it attacking your new organ.


Rejection is when your immune system starts to attack your transplanted organ because it doesn’t recognise it.


View all medical terms


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