About the project
Most UK air ambulances that carry blood components only carry red cells for transfusion.
Evidence suggests that early resuscitation of bleeding trauma patients with red cells, plasma and platelets in 1:1:1 may improve patient outcome. But NHSBT currently does not supply whole blood as a product.
To facilitate better management of major haemorrhage, we are collaborating with Barts Health Trust and London Air Ambulance to evaluate and provide a whole blood component for use in the pre-hospital setting.
Using the data we prepared a provisional trial specification for ‘Whole blood, leucocyte depleted, for clinical studies’ that was agreed by SACBC and JPAC, with a 14 day shelf life.
In phase 1 of the study, we assessed the product which would be simplest to provide: leucocyte depleted whole blood that does not contain platelets (red cells and plasma).
In phase 2, we assessed platelet function in whole blood.
This was incorporated onto the ‘Guidelines for the Blood Transfusion Services’ website in October 2020 and was presented to the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) Annual conference in December 2020.
Next steps
We now plan to assess the benefits of this component in a randomised control trial to assess its benefits in the pre-hospital management of major haemorrhage in trauma.