
Saving lives together

The best workplaces give back. Give someone the best gift this Autumn and Winter. Give blood.

Our partnerships are vital to our work, each one is unique and allows us to develop long term activity at both a regional and national level across England. From Disney to the Home Office to Dalgety Teas, our partnerships reach millions of people each year and increase the number of blood and organ donors to save and improve lives across the country.

Your organisation can help the NHS to collect blood during the challenging autumn and winter period by filling weekday slots between 10am and 4pm at our town and city donor centres.

Giving blood is quick and easy. The whole process takes 1 hour, and you can save up to 3 lives with each donation.

Find out more about how to get involved.

If you would like to become a partner of NHSBT or would like to find out more about how we work in partnership, please email us at

Give the best gift

Every day blood is needed to save lives. It is used in life-threatening emergencies, to combat cancer, fight sickle cell or provide lifesaving medicines to help babies' hearts to continue to beat.

The NHS requires approximately 5,000 units of blood daily to meet the needs of patients. Despite a fantastic response to the Amber Alert which has kept stocks strong throughout the summer, with a shelf life of just 35 days, stocks need to be constantly replenished. With the Amber Alert now having been in place since July, there is an urgent need for existing donors to keep donating, as well as new O negative donors and donors of Black heritage to come forward.

O negative is known as the universal blood type - it can be given to anyone and is vital in emergencies. And we urgently need more donors of Black heritage to help people with sickle cell who need ethnically matched blood.

Find out more about why we need more donors of Black heritage

Support us

Our partners' support throughout the year saves lives through blood donation. Help us keep blood donation at the forefront of people’s minds, reach new audiences, and encourage more people to be the giving type. If your organisation is interested in supporting the NHS this winter or would like to learn more, please get in touch with the Partnerships team.

The main barriers of blood donation are time, awareness and knowledge of donation locations.​ We need your help to overcome these challenges.

We have created a Partner Toolkit to help you support the NHS during this unprecedent winter stock shortage. You can download the Toolkit PDF below.

By sharing our message, you can educate employees about the importance, process, ease of donating and signpost them to their closest donation centres, which are often closer than people think.


Partner support

Logo of the Co-operative Bank

The Co-operative Bank welcomes our initiative and has pledged to give employees 'Donate Breaks’ - dedicated time off to donate blood during their working day.

Giving blood is a vital public duty and one that The Co-operative Bank are wholeheartedly passionate about. Offering opportunities for colleagues to volunteer their time and give back to society can help boost morale and their own sense of wellbeing too.

Catherine Douglas, Chief People Officer at The Co-operative Bank


Become a partner

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