Interactive map shows proportion of population signed up to donate across the UK

4 September 2018

A new interactive map created for NHS Blood and Transplant by Esri UK shows the proportion of people who have registered as organ donors and the number of people waiting for a transplant across different areas across the UK.

The data for the map uses organ donor registration figures and transplant waiting list figures by local authority from 19 May 2018. The proportions registered were calculated from 2017 population estimates from the Office for National Statistics.

The map shows that there is a lot of variation across the UK.

Take a look at the map and see how where you live compares to other places.


  • More than 25 million people are already on the NHS Organ Donor Register, join them today and tell your family you want to save lives. Register at



  • For additional information please call the NHS Blood and Transplant press office on 01923 367 600 or email